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Filling up your child's "Backpack"
At Puddleducks@ Meadoway we welcome every child on their first day as a unique child with their own individual skills and experiences already tucked away in their "backpack". Our aim is to provide each child the enabling environment to learn new skills and engage with rich cultural experiences as they progress through their early years journey with us. With the vision of when our little ducklings fly the nest off to big school, they leave with a "backpack" full to the brim with independence, social skills, intellectual and physical attributes in order to thrive throughout the rest of their educational journey as the unique individual they are.
We see the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) as a pudding bowl and our curriculum as the pudding mixture, and how we decide to mix is detailed through our staff knowledge, routines, child/ adult initiated play and parental involvement following all curricular guidelines that inform our practice everyday.

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